Career path
Our legal professionals are an important part of our business, and we are committed to developing their individual skills.
We consider it a strength of our business that our employees pursue personal and professional goals, and we create a framework that makes this possible.

We emphasize a high professional and ethical level. Our lawyers are practically oriented and show business understanding, as well as interest and ability to thoroughly understand the needs and business of our clients.
Nielsen Nørager and the partners at Nielsen Nørager rank among the leading law firms in Denmark within selected areas of specialization.
flexible framework
We offer a flexible framework - freedom with responsibility - with room for diversity and different ambitions and a work-life balance. All our employees have a great deal of personal freedom and influence over their own daily lives.
We offer attractive salary and employment conditions that correspond to the employees' professional qualifications and work performance. We have a bonus scheme for 2nd and 3rd year assistant attorneys and employed lawyers.
We have a relaxed working environment and regularly prioritize social events of various kinds for all employees in addition to two annual parties; one at Christmas and one in the summer.
Our summer party is often a full-day excursion with overnight stays, which helps to strengthen our unity across professional groups and work tasks.
contact us
You are always welcome to send us an application.
Please send your application to
job@nnlaw.dkIf you have general questions related to careers or opportunities to become a student with us, please feel free to contact
Ida Krogh OlsenIf you are a qualified lawyer, you are welcome to contact
Michael Kjær Lauritsenledige stillinger
Normalt annoncerer vi efter advokatfuldmægtige i januar og august. Andre stillinger opslås løbende efter behov.
Nielsen Nørager er altid på udkig efter talenter, som er velkvalificerede til at arbejde inden for vores arbejdsområder.
Du er velkommen til at sende en ansøgning til os når som helst. Venligst adressér sådanne ansøgninger til