about nielsen nørager
Nielsen Nørager has always been characterized by the ability and willingness to provide first-class service in the protection of our clients' interests in Denmark and abroad.

We are recognized for our expertise in our business areas, and our lawyers are distinguished by their unparalleled dedication to ensuring the optimal outcome in the cases and transactions we take on.
Our staff
Nielsen Nørager's lawyers have different backgrounds and widely differing personalities, but our lawyers share a common commitment to use their intellect, professional skills, creativity and energy to realize ambitious common and individual goals.
In our experience, professional and human diversity go hand in hand. We therefore attract lawyers who combine the practice of law at the highest professional and ethical level with diverse interests and involvement in non-legal contexts.
We will never compromise our own standards of ethics, professional competence or quality. This is the foundation of our reputation.
We realize that our philosophy precludes us from being among the largest firms in terms of number of lawyers or total turnover, but we aim to be a preferred law firm for clients who expect exceptional performance from their law firm.